Re: Patch for sound CS4232 on 2.1.87

Alan Cox (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 10:55:23 +0000 (GMT)

> Hmm.. not much has changed in terms of dependencies, as far as I can tell.
> dev_table.h will make sound.o depend on the chipset-specific drivers which
> in turn depend on sound.o. Cyclic dependencies means the modules will
> never load.

Mine all load nicely. dev_table is used for built in modules

> As far as I can tell, the infrastructure for this is already in place -
> nice work Hannu et al - all it needs is the glue functions to keep it in
> place. Does it sound reasonable?

No.. thats what I thought when I started. sound is a spaghetti special.
It is starting to look a lot cleaner but still has major design problems
from the original in module handling. It's getting there and Hannu had
about 75% of the job done.

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