Re: [Feature Wish] GGI in Linux 2.3

Jon M. Taylor (
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 09:35:56 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> > Graphics Interface, which is much more stable and robust than the previous
> > version. My personal opinion is that plans should be made to incorporate
> > GGI in Linux 2.3. It's about time that we get fast graphics in Linux
> I had a good look at the current GGI and it has several problems to say the
> least.
> o Its console emulation isnt Linux but a sort of pseudo xterminal

This is being left alone for now because it will be fixed properly
in EvStack. That is where all the per-VC info (font table, CLUT,
textmode, terminal stack) will go.

> o It appears to have no provision for non byte wide fonts

This is true. I don't imagine that it would be terribly dificult
to inocroporate this, though.

> o It breaks all the existing low level mouse/keyboard interfaces
> and replaces them with its own which has policy in kernel space

Yup. Simply a matter of porting the existing code, most of which
has been done. Again, an EvStack issue primarily.

> Having said that if combined with the current fbcon code it does give you
> support for reliable SVGA mode switching and kernel side acceleration
> where useful (eg DMA driven video blits from main memory) and there is
> useful stuff that can be salvaged from it.

That is how free software development works, everything is
'salvaged' from preexisting code, even versions of the same software |->.
We continue to work to improve KGI and EvStack, but it is hard to fix
things you don't get feedback on. If there are people on this list that
see things they think ought to be changed/fixed, they should get on one of
our mailing lists and tell us about it.

> The nicest looking bits are actually the userspace support libraries which
> show some promise.

LibGGI is emerging as the true centerpiece of GGI, not KGI as was
first thought. LibGGI is a platform-independent set of dynamic libraries
supporting accelerated 2D and 3D display devices with suppport for
multiheading/homing, remote displays and a varitey of supported

* Linux/KGI
* Linux/X
* Linux/3Dfx GLIDE
* FreeBSD/X
* OpenBSD/X
* Solaris/X
* Solaris/sunfb
* Digital Unix/X

Targets/platforms coming soon:

* Linux/SVGAlib
* Win32 GDI
* Win32 DirectX
* Win32 3Dfx GLIDE
* Win16
* MacOS Quickdraw
* BeOS
* MS-DOS (SciTech VBE/AF 3.0)

GGI is not called Linux-GGI any more because of this large and
growing cross-platform capability.


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