Need help with performance hack

Grant R. Guenther (
Thu, 8 Jan 1998 22:29:25 -0500 (EST)


I'm being lazy again. I haven't found what I'm looking for, but I
probably haven't tried hard enough.

I need a pair of functions (or macros)

int input_to_user( int port, char * buf, int len)
int output_from_user( char * buf, int port, int len)

which combine the functionality of insl and outsl with copy_to/from_user,
that is, they will move blocks of data to/from a 4-byte i/o port
directly from/to userland.

Also, if I understand copy_*_user, they will also work if the "user"
buffer happens to be in kernel space. The same should also be true
of these functions.

Do we have anything like this lurking in some dark corner of the kernel ?

Grant R. Guenther