Re: Floppy problem

Eric W. Biederman (
25 Dec 1997 22:49:26 -0600

>>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel Machek <> writes:

Pavel> Hi!
Pavel> Is there a solutoion to floppy problem? (I.e. one device filling whole
Pavel> RAM with its write-back buffers?) Before I start solving it, I would
Pavel> be interested if it is not already done. (I think that someone
Pavel> reported he has it working some time ago...)

Unless I have misunderstood what the problem is that is a feature and
not a bug. disks work fastest when actually in RAM. And dynmically
altering depending on which device is being used should give good

You have only 4MB of RAM??? (and a 2.88MB floppy????)
It fills all of your RAM??

Floppies are challenged by the fact that they have limited bandwidth
but that is a different story.
