Re: Overclocking PCI / UNIX95 compliance

Dave Cinege (
Fri, 26 Dec 97 01:24:36 -0500

On Thu, 25 Dec 1997 21:14:31 -0600 (CST), wrote:

>And lo, Patrick St. Jean saith unto me:
>> I'll pick a little nit here... If a motherboard claims to be PCI-2.1
>> compliant, it is _SUPPOSED_ to be able to handle a PCI clock up to 66MHz,
>But "handle" in this case includes "forbid at negotiation time". If
>*any* device on a PCI bus can't handle 66 MHz, none may use it. This
>is part of the reason why we've not seen 66 MHz-capable PC boards/chipsets
>and 66 MHz adapter cards (esp. video!) years ago...

Hogwash. It's because 'officially' no human being is supposed to be running a bus
speed of more then 66MHz, with the PCI bus sliced in half. (According too lord
WinIntel) Remember that the intel chipsets are only *speced* to run up to 66MHz
even though we know they are capable of much more then that.

The next generation Pentium III, P'95, I dunno what the hell they are calling it, is
going to have a new chipset with a 100MHz bus. This means 50MHz PCI, and I'm
sure a 33MHz PCI compatiblity mode. When that becomes dominant, don't be
surprised to see vendors jump to certify their boards 'turbo PCI' complient (or
whatever yahoo term they come up with) For vendors with the forsight to actually
design within the spec (what a concept, eh?) this will only mean a new sticker for
the box. : >

BTW 90MHz bus and 45MHz PCI for 10 months now. Screw Intel, I've got a
soldering iron. : >
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