Re: CPU abstraction layer

Mike Jagdis (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 09:31:20 +0100 (GMT/BST)

On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Aaron Tiensivu wrote:

> I'm thinking of making a few new files under the arch/i386 tree.
> I'm thinking that the CPU specific rev'ups could be kept in seperate
> files, much like the "optional" IDE chipset support files.
> That way.. you can choose, "Yes, I want the Cyrix patches" and that would leave
> the rest of the people with non-Cyrix chips to say, "No! No more K in my
> kernel!"
> Plausable? Doable? Let me know.

There aren't that many differences. Putting in _all_ the non-Intel
processor recognition, 5x86, 6x86 optimizations (including VSPM),
K5/K6 optimizations (including flipping the flags for the model 0)
probably takes less than 1K, only affects two or three files and
is sufficiently localized that you can ifdef to your heart's content.
(I know. I've done it :-) )


|  Mike Jagdis                  |  Internet:   |
|  Roan Technology Ltd.         |                                      |
|  54A Peach Street, Wokingham  |  Telephone:  +44 118 989 0403        |
|  RG40 1XG, ENGLAND            |  Fax:        +44 118 989 1195        |