Re: Ext2fs and hashed table. ;The Doctor What ("
Fri, 30 May 1997 11:50:28 -0700

[Ideas about an OO DB File System omitted]

Sounds great, except for one make the interface consistant,
you'd probably have to write a whole new Operating System for it.
Actually, that might be for the best. You could integrate RAM into the
FS (or the FS into the RAM depending how you look at it) and make no
distictions between a "running program" object and a "data" object. In
addition, you could make it a persistant memory model, so that turning
on the computer would get you to the exact same state as when you
turned it off!


The Doctor What: Guru of the Gods                     (finger for PGP key)
PGPkey Fingerprint: EA 4C 8C FC 5C F0 14 78  9C 02 B9 A1 83 54 7C 8D