Re: pre-2.0.31 swap usage screwed

Chris Evans (
Thu, 29 May 1997 00:23:54 +0100 (BST)

On Wed, 28 May 1997, Jon Lewis wrote:

> What's wrong with this picture?:
> yoda:~# free
> total used free shared buffers cached
> Mem: 127896 121840 6056 56956 6272 27984
> -/+ buffers: 87584 40312
> Swap: 165880 2097151 165884
> It looks like swap used has somehow gone negative by 4096 bytes, and free
> from proc-ps 1.01 is printf'ing the unsigned ints as signed ints.

Ooooh. We saw something like this, specifically when doing a "swapoff -a".
As >25Mb were swapped out, the command took a while to complete. From the
time the command was issued, until swap did indeed die, we had 0kb total,
0kb free, and almost exactly 2Gb used(!).

Apart from that, pre-2.0.31 + 5 fixes + seriously hacked and finally
stable 3x59x driver, is running like a treat under at times pretty hefty

Note that the sockets stuck in "CLOSE" I reported, are NOT a problem, and
were related to a memory leak in an ethercard driver I hadn't patched with
a "dev_kfree_skb".
