Re: OFFTOPIC: Pentium 4MB pages in PPro/AMD/Cyrix?

Mike Jagdis (
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 09:28:38 GMT

>> Is it supported on the PPro/Cyrix 6x86/AMD
>> K{5,6}? Does Intel guarantee support of it in future?
>It is _documented_ on PPro. See the Intel web site for the PPro
>manuals (I asked Intel to make them available, and voila! :-)

It doesn't exist on the Cyrix. But the 6x86 has a variable sized
paging mechanism (VSPM) that is _partially_ documented - but is
known to behave somewhat differently from the docs and is buggy
in different ways on different chip revisions. No one at Cyrix
is willing to admit any knowledge of VSPM :-).


|  Mike Jagdis                  |  Internet:   |
|  Roan Technology Ltd.         |                                      |
|  54A Peach Street, Wokingham  |  Telephone:  +44 118 989 0403        |
|  RG40 1XG, ENGLAND            |  Fax:        +44 118 989 1195        |