Re: noatime support in kernel?

Alan Cox (
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 22:01:17 +0100 (BST)

> Ouch. Since the directory is already cached (you got the inode by reading a
> directory, hopefully...), that change shouldn't make any difference.

The directory caches are too small to help with news. Thats something we need
to look hard at.

> If you want direct access to the news storage, then it'd be better to drop
> the idea of a file system entirely. There are better ways... for instance,
> a bunch of huge cyclic files (one for each range of article expiry dates).

Yep however in the meantime noatime is a huge win. If we ever go to a log based
fs it will be superb (on a solaris box with logging ufs the log disk is
basically jammed with atime updates on a big news server).
