Re: Linux-1.3.65

Danny ter Haar (
18 Feb 1996 11:39:41 +0100

In article <>,
Colten Edwards <> wrote:
>> This is especially true as the next stable kernel is getting closer..
>Weird... ftp server is screwed up as well. I can't imagine
>that he has 5 ftp's going on at the same time for the last couple of days.
>I always get this error from that system since about 1.3.62 but not prior
>to this.
> Colten Edwards

I whish somebody would have pointed aout this sooner..
Indeed, for some odd networking reasons sockets were still
open and ftpwho showed me 5 open connections while in fact
nobody was logged in.

Killing in.wuftpd cured this problem for now though ....

Will compile 1.3.66 , keep a close look on it and if it
failes i will drop back to 1.3.57 which is the last "stable"
version for us.


Danny ter Haar  |   Cistron Internet Services       | Unix     specialists     | finger for PGP-key | Internet specialists