Re: user processes hanging

Todd Fries (
Tue, 25 Jul 1995 11:28:18 +0000 (GMT)

> Sure all kinds of nice solutions are possible, but why can't we report
> device errors back to the user program, as all other operating systems
> seem to be able to do?
> You are right that I/O device errors should be reflected back to the
> user programs. Hanging clearly not the right thing to do.
> Unfortunately, it seems to be something which Linux shares in common
> with a lot of other Unix systems --- clearly we should be able to do
> better.
> - Ted

I second that. If I happen to be on a dialup nfs-mounting washu, and I get hung up
on, I'd rather not redial until I hit the same dynamic ip address before I can
safely shutdown, or unmount that filesystem--one in the same problem. The umount
function call hangs, hanging shutdown and any other programs accessing the
