Kernel Panic with 1.2.11

Daniel Hollis (
Thu, 20 Jul 1995 00:26:49 -0700 (PDT)

Here's the latest kernel panic.

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000
current->tss.cr3 = 0078d000, pr3 = 0078d000
*pde = 02118067
*pte = 015f9025
Oops: 0003
EIP: 0010:0017f972
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 00000236 ebx: 00000300 ecx: 00000300 edx: 00000025
esi: 00000236 edi: 00000025 ebp: 0019b558 esp: 0076cdc8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
Process sz (pid: 1884, process nr: 61, stackpage=0076c000)
Stack: 00009098 0019b558 00000003 00009098 00431a50 0017ef7f 0019b558 00000236
00000046 00000002 0019b558 00000300 00000236 0017ed61 0019b558 0076ce34
0019b558 00000046 00000236 00500307 00000001 00112cfe 0000000a 0076ce34
Call Trace: 0017ef7f 0017ed61 00112cfe 001125ac 0017002b 0017eac6 00136f6b
0013f228 00144a70 00142f58 00142f58 00122b00 0013d726 00142f58 0013736b
0011c74e 001106ad
Code: ee e6 80 c1 e8 08 89 ce 66 83 c6 06 89 f2 ee e6 80 66 83 c1
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
eth0: Tx request while isr active.

Linux 1.2.11 with 1.3.5 8390.c as suggested (made no difference, really).

Hardware configuration:

DX4/100, 40mb RAM

NE2000 card:
eth0 Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:B4:64:4E:F9
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:2593 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
TX packets:3018 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

2 BOCA2016's, one at 0x100 IRQ 12, the other at 0x200 IRQ 15.
Buslogic at 0x330 IRQ 11 BIOS 0xDC000

Crash trace:

0017f918 t _NS8390_trigger_send <- Crash! (EIP 17f972)
0017eed8 t _ei_tx_intr <- (17ef7f)
0017ec18 T _ei_interrupt <- (17ed61)
00112ce0 T _do_IRQ <- (112cfe)
00112550 t _IRQ10_interrupt <- (1125ac)
0016fd48 t _rs_interrupt_multi <- (17002b)
0017e708 t _ei_start_xmit <- (17eac6)
00136d70 T _dev_queue_xmit <- (136f6b)
0013f128 T _tcp_do_retransmit <- (13f228)
00142f58 T _tcp_rcv <- (144a70)
00142f58 T _tcp_rcv <- (142f58)
00142f58 T _tcp_rcv <- (142f58)
00122aa8 T _kmalloc <- (122b00)
0013d384 T _ip_rcv <- (13d726)


The crash only occured under heavy CPU load. E.g. when I was compiling
mgetty and there was lots of serial traffic.

Dan Hollis | Seiyuu Daisuki! |"Ranko-chan, ii oyome-san
MAGICK.NET System Administrator | Orikasa Ai | ni nareru wa yo" - | Yokoyama Chisa | Saotome Nodoka | ("(^_^)") |