Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] rust: arc: remove `ArcBorrow` in favour of `WithRef`

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Tue Sep 26 2023 - 18:11:27 EST

On 9/26/23 20:20, Boqun Feng wrote:
On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 05:15:52PM +0000, Benno Lossin wrote:

But here the difference it that we only derive a `*mut` from a `&`,
rather than transmute to a `&mut`, right? We only use `&` to get a
pointer value (a usize), so I don't think that rule applies here? Or in
other words, does the following implemenation look good to you?

impl<T: ?Sized> Arc<T> {
pub fn as_with_ref(&self) -> &WithRef<T> {
// expose
let _ = self.ptr.as_ptr() as usize;
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }

impl<T: ?Sized> From<&WithRef<T>> for Arc<T> {
fn from(b: &WithRef<T>) -> Self {
// from exposed
let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(b as *const _ as usize as *mut _) };
// SAFETY: The existence of `b` guarantees that the refcount is non-zero. `ManuallyDrop`
// guarantees that `drop` isn't called, so it's ok that the temporary `Arc` doesn't own the
// increment.
ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Arc::from_inner(ptr) })

An equivalent code snippet is as below (in case anyone wants to try it
in miri):
let raw = Box::into_raw(arc);

// as_with_ref()
let _ = raw as usize;
let reference = unsafe { &*raw };

// from()
let raw: *mut T = reference as *const _ as usize as *mut _ ;

// drop()
let arc = unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) };

I don't understand why we are trying to use ptr2int to fix this.
Simply wrapping the `T` field inside `WithRef` with `UnsafeCell`
should be enough.

BTW, how do you fix this with only wrapping `T` field in `WithRef`?

Let say `WithRef` is defined as:

struct WithRef<T> {
refcount: Opaque<bindings::refcount_t>,
data: UnsafeCell<T>,

impl<T: ?Sized> From<&WithRef<T>> for Arc<T> {
fn from(b: &WithRef<T>) -> Self {
let data_ptr: *mut T =;

let ptr = ?; // how to get a pointer to `WithRef<T>` with the
// provenance to the whole data?

ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Arc::from_inner(ptr) })

The `data_ptr` above only has provenance to part of the struct for the
similar reason that my proposal of (ab)using `b.refcount.get()`. Am I
missing something here?

Easiest is to wrap the entire thing:

struct WithRef<T>(UnsafeCell<ArcInner<T>>);

struct ArcInner<T> {
refcount: Opaque<bindings::refcount_t>,
data: T,
