Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] rust: arc: remove `ArcBorrow` in favour of `WithRef`

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Mon Sep 25 2023 - 11:30:15 EST

On 9/25/23 17:17, Boqun Feng wrote:
On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 03:00:47PM +0000, Alice Ryhl wrote:
I'm concerned about this change, because an `&WithRef<T>` only has
immutable permissions for the allocation. No pointer derived from it
may be used to modify the value in the Arc, however, the drop
implementation of Arc will do exactly that.

That is indeed a problem. We could put the value in an `UnsafeCell`, but
that would lose us niche optimizations and probably also other optimizations.

Not sure I understand the problem here, why do we allow modifying the
value in the Arc if you only have a shared ownership?

Well, usually it's when you have exclusive access even though the value
is in an `Arc`.

The main example of this is the destructor of the `Arc`. When the last
refcount drops to zero, this gives you exclusive access. This lets you
run the destructor. The destructor requires mutable access.

Another example would be converting the `Arc` back into an `UniqueArc`
by checking that the refcount is 1. Once you have a `UniqueArc`, you can
use it to mutate the inner value.

Finally, there are methods like `Arc::get_mut_unchecked`, where you
unsafely assert that nobody else is using the value while you are
modifying it. We don't have that in our version of `Arc` right now, but
we might want to add it later.

Hmm.. but the only way to get an `Arc` from `&WithRef` is

impl From<&WithRef<T>> for Arc<T> {

, and we clone `Arc` in the that function (i.e. copying the raw
pointer), so we are still good?

No, the raw pointer in the Arc was created from the immutable reference, so the raw pointer has the same restrictions as the immutable reference did.
