Re: [PATCH v3] checkpatch: add dedicated checker for 'Fixes:' tag

From: Markus Elfring
Date: Tue Apr 28 2020 - 06:53:18 EST

> And there is no 'Fixes:' tag format checker in checkpatch

I have taken another look at corresponding implementation details.
Will programming challenges get any more attention?

> to check the commit id length too,

The mentioned script contains the following information.

# Check for git id commit length and improperly formed commit descriptions

> so let's add dedicated checker to check these conditions for 'Fixes:' tag.

How do you think about to reconsider the usage of the word âcheckerâ
at specific places?

> + my $id = '0123456789ab';
> + my $orig_desc = "commit description";

* Do you try to extend the existing software analysis approach âGIT_COMMIT_IDâ?

* Would you like to avoid the development of duplicate Perl code?
