Re: Why does no one care that Brad Spengler of GRSecurity is blatantly violating the intention of the rightsholders to the Linux Kernel?

From: aconcernedfossdev
Date: Thu Jun 15 2017 - 15:53:25 EST

I'm just informing you that I am going to be filing a suit against you for
1) Putting my character a negative false light
2) Libel (communication to a third party a derogatory false statement)

Perhaps your employer will indemnify you Mrs Lockwood.

Thus; I will (as you requested) "bring it".

On 2017-06-15 19:47, W Stacy Lockwood wrote:
On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 2:46 PM, <aconcernedfossdev@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Keep digging that hole, Mrs Lockwood, I'm sure the court will look
fondly on your most resent disparagement of my character.

Bring it!
As you wish.

Seriously, shut up. Now.

Your email is no longer welcome in my inbox, and will be filtered.
When people talk about bad actors in the Linux community, they're
talking about people like you. Get some fucking help, you clearly need

W. Stacy Lockwood
