Re: [PATCH] Make /proc/slabinfo 040

From: George Spelvin
Date: Mon Mar 07 2011 - 09:19:58 EST

> Yeah, maybe. I've attached a proof of concept patch that attempts to
> randomize object layout in individual slabs. I'm don't completely
> understand the attack vector so I don't make any claims if the patch
> helps or not.

+ while (!bitmap_empty(bitmap, page->objects)) {
+ unsigned long idx;
+ void *p;
+ idx = get_random_int() % page->objects;
+ idx = find_next_bit(bitmap, page->objects, idx);
+ if (idx >= page->objects)
+ continue;
+ clear_bit(idx, bitmap);
+ p = start + idx * s->size;
+ setup_object(s, page, last);
+ set_freepointer(s, last, p);
+ last = p;
+ }
+ setup_object(s, page, last);
+ set_freepointer(s, last, NULL);

There's actually a far more efficient way to set up a linked list in
random order.

Start with a 1-element cycle, and repeatedly insert new elements at a
random position in the cycle. At the end, set the list head to a random
position in the cycle. It goes like this:

void *p = start;
set_freepointer(s, p, p);

for (n = 1; n < s->size; n++) {
void *q = start + n * s->size;
/* p points to a random object in the list; link in after */
set_freepointer(s, q, get_freepointer(s, p));
set_freepointer(s, p, q);
p = start + s->size * (get_random_int() % (n+1));
page->freelist = get_freepointer(s, p);
set_freepointer(s, p, NULL);

Hope it helps.
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