Re: regression - 2.6.36 -> 2.6.37 - kvm - 32bit SMP guests don'tboot

From: Zachary Amsden
Date: Mon Feb 28 2011 - 08:51:33 EST

On 02/27/2011 12:20 PM, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
I was not aware of the thread. Please cc me directly, or add a keyword
I track - timekeeping, TSC..
Hello Zachary, thanks for Your time looking at this!
That change alone may not bisect well; without further fixes on top of
it, you may end up with a hang or stall, which is likely to manifest in
a vendor-specific way.
I'm not sure I really understand You here, but this change is exactly to
what I got while bisecting. With later revisions, including this one,
32bit SMP guests don't boot, before it, they do..

Does the bug you are hitting manifest on both Intel and AMD platforms?

Further, do the systems you are hitting this on have stable or unstable TSCs?


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