Re: PROBLEM?: "permission denied" when accessing /proc/self/fd/*after setuid

From: Sven Wegener
Date: Thu Aug 07 2008 - 11:20:32 EST

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Daryl Tester wrote:

> When a process setuid's to a non root user, under some circumstances
> it can no longer open /dev/stdout or /dev/stderr (which symlink to
> /proc/self/fd/1 & 2 respectively), which results in EACCESS. Expected
> behavior is that the process should be able to open these already
> opened filed descriptors, but I'm not sure if this is intended or not.

If a program wants to fiddle with an existing _file_descriptor_, it should
use the dup syscalls or access the descriptor directly. From my point of
view open() should return a new instance of what you're trying to open and
should not return a clone of something you already have opened in the
past. And actually cloning a file handle during open() means bypassing the
permission checks. Yes, you already have it open, but I think this is
wrong behaviour.

> Am I expecting too much here of /dev/std* and /proc/self/fd/* being
> kosher methods to access a process' already open file descriptors?

Don't know if the behaviour of /dev/std* and /proc/self/fd/* is
standardized in some way. But I guess it's implementation-specific.

> (Background)
> From a discussion in <>
> a user was attempting to open /dev/stderr for a log file under a djb
> supervised process. The process initially runs as root, then setuid's
> to another id. This process is connected to another process (for
> logging) on stdout (and dup'd onto stderr) via an anonymous pipe.
> The open of /dev/stderr fails with EACCESS.
> The above environment isn't necessary to replicate the problem, although
> what stdout and stderr are attached to has some effect. The attached C
> code replicates the issue, but appears to not fail (that is, succeed) if
> /proc/self/fd/2 is a terminal (e.g. /dev/pts/X) *and* that terminal is
> owned by the same uid that the code uses (in this case, 500). In the
> case of an anonymous pipe it appears to fail consistently as the pipe is
> owned by root.

Why should it fail for the terminal? You're the owner of it. For the pipe
you're not, it was created by root in the parent.

> So, for example:
> # ls -nl /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/pts/2
> crw------- 1 1000 5 136, 2 2008-08-07 15:36 /dev/pts/2
> lrwx------ 1 0 0 64 2008-08-07 15:36 /proc/self/fd/2 -> /dev/pts/2
> # ./self_fd /proc/self/fd/2
> /proc/self/fd/2: uid: 1000, gid: 5
> open(/proc/self/fd/2) as uid 500: Permission denied
> /proc/self/fd/2: uid: 1000, gid: 5

Works as expected from my point of view. Linux uses symlinks to represent
open files in /proc/self/fd, so when doing the open on /dev/stderr you end
up opening the original file, which requires a permission check. And that
fails for obvious reasons.

> I've managed to replicate this issue on several platforms - a Centos
> 5.2 machine running 2.6.18-92, an Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64 running 2.6.24-19,
> and an Ubuntu 7.04 running 2.6.20-17 (A FreeBSD 4.11 box works OK
> though :-).

Don't have a FreeBSD installation at my fingers, so can't verify. Maybe
they just don't use symlinks to represent the open files, so they do not
end up opening the original file. Just checked Solaris and it looks like

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Feb 20 2007 /dev/stdout -> ./fd/1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 314, 1 Aug 7 17:10 /dev/fd/1

So you end up opening a device that is world readable and writable, which
then gives you access to your open file descriptor. IIRC that's how it is
implemented historically in UNIX. As said above, don't know if the
behaviour is standardized.

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