Re: somebody dropped a (warning) bomb

From: Rene Herman
Date: Thu Feb 15 2007 - 23:26:50 EST

On 02/15/2007 08:02 PM, Linus Torvalds wrote:

Think of it this way: in science, a theory is proven to be bad by a
single undeniable fact just showing that it's wrong.

The same is largely true of a warning. If the warning sometimes
happens for code that is perfectly fine, the warning is bad.

Slight difference; if a compulsory warning sometimes happens for code that is perfectly fine, the warning is bad. I do want to be _able_ to get as many warnings as a compiler can muster though.

Given char's special nature, shouldn't the conclusion of this thread have long been simply that gcc needs -Wno-char-pointer-sign? (with whatever default, as far as I'm concerned).

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