Re: [patch 3/3, resend] kbuild: correctly skip tilded backups inlocalversion files

From: Roman Zippel
Date: Tue Feb 13 2007 - 11:10:42 EST


On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> > I know it maybe another my "change it all" proposition, but i can't find
> > nothing against `GNU $(wildcard ..)' and `unnecessarily complex "find"'.
> It's the regexp in both cases. $(wildcard ) doesn't do regexp's (only the
> normal path rules), and traditional 'find' doesn't either. The fact that
> GNU find does is another matter. I don't think we require GNU find
> normally.
> And I don't even much like the "backup" thing. Some programs will use
> other things than "~" as a backup marker. Patch more often uses ".orig",
> for example. So both methods are fairly complex, but at the same time not
> quite complex enough.
> It would probably have been a better idea had we made the rule be that the
> file is called "*localversion" rather than "localversion*", exactly
> because that way it's unambiguous (people normally use _suffixes_ for
> filetypes, not prefixes). That would have avoided the whole complexity in
> wildcarding, but it's too late now..
> $(sort $(wildcard $(srctree)/*localversion $(objtree)/*localversion)
> should have worked.

For now I think it's easier to just revert the change to use find, I
posted the patch for this already a few days ago.
I don't know if it really makes sense to change the rules for this now,
apparently people are using this, it may not be perfect, but I think in
the end it's just a matter of taste.

bye, Roman

[PATCH] refix localversion handling

This reverts part of the localversion patch, which now already got into
git. It removes the unnecessary find call, with the simpler $(notdir ...)

Signed-off-by: Roman Zippel <zippel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Makefile | 14 ++++++++------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Index: linux-2.6/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.orig/Makefile
+++ linux-2.6/Makefile
@@ -787,12 +787,14 @@ $(vmlinux-dirs): prepare scripts
# moment, only git is supported but other SCMs can edit the script
# scripts/setlocalversion and add the appropriate checks as needed.

-pattern = ".*/localversion[^~]*"
-string = $(shell cat /dev/null \
- `find $(objtree) $(srctree) -maxdepth 1 -regex $(pattern) | sort`)
-localver = $(subst $(space),, $(string) \
- $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_LOCALVERSION)))
+___localver = $(objtree)/localversion* $(srctree)/localversion*
+__localver = $(sort $(wildcard $(___localver)))
+# skip files containing '~' (like backup files)
+_localver = $(foreach f,$(__localver),$(if $(findstring ~,$(notdir $(f))),,$(f)))
+localver = $(subst $(space),, \
+ $(shell cat /dev/null $(_localver)) \
+ $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_LOCALVERSION)))

# If CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO is set scripts/setlocalversion is called
# and if the SCM is know a tag from the SCM is appended.
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