Re: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Fri Feb 10 2006 - 08:12:05 EST

>> Right. The question was rather like this:
>> Say we have our non-stable /dev/sr0 mapping to /dev/sg0, and it has got BTL
>> 1,1,0. Now, if the user starts `cdrecord -dev=1,1,0`,
>> `ls -l /proc/$(pidof -s cdrecord)/fd/` should show (and in fact did when I
>> used ide-scsi back then) /dev/sg0, right?
>> If so, what's wrong with just opening /dev/sg0 directly (as per user
>> request, i.e. cdrecord -dev=/dev/sg0) and sending the scsi commands down
>> the fd?
>As I did write _many_ times, this was done by the program "cdwrite" on Linux
>in 1995 and as cdwrite did not check whether if actually got a CD writer,
>cdwrite did destroy many hard disk drives just _because_ the /dev/sg*
>is non-stable.
>People did not believe this and did write shell scripts with e.g. /dev/sg0
>inside and later suffered from the non-stable /dev/sg* <-> device relation.
Exactly. But, if I now say -dev=1,1,0 instead of e.g. -dev=/dev/sg0, who or
what makes sure that 1,1,0 {is not | does not map to} a harddisk?

Jan Engelhardt
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