From: Perez-Gonzalez, Inaky
Date: Tue Apr 12 2005 - 18:10:14 EST

>From: Daniel Walker [mailto:dwalker@xxxxxxxxxx]
>On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 13:29, Esben Nielsen wrote:
>> So no, you will not need the same API, at all :-) Fusyn manipulates
>> task->static_prio and only task->prio when no RT lock is taken. When
>> first RT-lock is taken/released it manipulates task->prio only. A
>> of a Fusyn will manipulate task->static_prio as well as task->prio.
>mutex_setprio() , I don't know if you could call that an API but that's
>what I was talking about.. They should both use that. I think it would
>be better if the RT mutex (and fusyn) didn't depend on a field in the
>task_struct to retain the old priority. That would make it easier ..
>This goes back to the assumption that the locking isn't intermingled
>once you get into the kernel . The RT mutex can safely save the owner
>priority with out a Fusyn jumping in and changing it and the other way

You should not need any of this if your user space mutexes are a
wrapper over the kernel space ones. The kernel handles everything
the same and there is no need to take care of any special cases or
variations [other than the ones imposed by the wrapping].

-- Inaky
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