reboot problem with VIA EPIA-MS motherboard

From: Valery Khamenya
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 06:09:31 EST

Hi all,

please Cc to me your clues on the following problem:


"reboot" or "shutdown -r now" on VIA EPIA-MS motherboard finishes all
processes, then comes message "Restarting system.", keyboard LEDs
flash and nothing happens anymore -- one has to finalize reboot manually.


1. Motherboard is really able to reboot: e.g. when after POST comes grub, one
could enter grub's console and issue "reboot" -- it works fine.

2. different kernel boot options were tried without success, like
"reboot=b|w|h|c", "acpi=on|off|force", "apm=on|off" -- not in
all combinations though ;)

3. Linux distro used -- Gentoo. (synced)

4. different 2.6.x kernel were tried: 2.6.9-2.6.12, not only vanilla kernels,
but Gentoo kernels too. (Now I am stuck to 2.6.12-rc1 as it is exposed via
Gentoo portage system)

5. different kernel boot options lead to different reboot implementations.
One of tracked by me implementations ends up in
mach-default/mach_reboot.h, inlined function "mach_reboot".
The second udelay(50) in the loop is the last call,
after which nothing happens anymore.

6. Any other details/logs might be posted -- just tell me
which are of interest.


P.S. perhaps, I do not violate any rules posting my problem and comments
to this malinglist.
Valery A.Khamenya
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