BKCVS broken ?

From: Stelian Pop
Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 09:46:51 EST

The current bkcvs export is broken, several recent changesets are
missing from it.

This occurs at least in the mm/ directory, but I haven't verified
if other directories are not affected. I detected this problem
because the head of bkcvs doesn't compile anymore and shows errors
in mm/* missing symbols.

One example:

Take this changeset from Changeset,v:
@[PATCH] orphaned pagecache memleak fix

Chris found that with data journaling a reiserfs pagecache may be truncate
while still pinned. The truncation removes the page->mapping, but the page
is still listed in the VM queues because it still has buffers. Then during
the journaling process, a buffer is marked dirty and that sets the PG_dirty
bitflag as well (in mark_buffer_dirty). After that the page is leaked
because it's both dirty and without a mapping.

So we must allow pages without mapping and dirty to reach the PagePrivate
check. The page->mapping will be checked again right after the PagePrivate

Signed-off-by: Andrea Arcangeli <andrea@@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <akpm@@osdl.org>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@@osdl.org>

BKrev: 4234d7beMW4wcFI6ltxdMMhApwDmuA

Looking at
shows this changeset should contain a delta for mm/vmscan.c

However, mm/vmscan.c,v contains:
head 1.238;
locks; strict;
comment @ * @;
expand @o@;

date 2005.; author pj; state Exp;
next 1.237;
@cpusets - big numa cpu and memory placement

(Logical change 1.27465)

The 'Logical change 1.27702' is missing from the file...

Stelian Pop <stelian.pop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Alcove - http://www.alcove.com
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