Re: Linux

From: David Greaves
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 03:57:29 EST

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Matt Mackall wrote:

In your world, do you want to do:

cp -rl linux-2.6.11 linux-
cd linux-
bzcat ../Patches/patch- | patch -p1
bzcat ../Patches/patch- | patch -p1
bzcat ../Patches/patch- | patch -p1
bzcat ../Patches/patch- | patch -p1
bzcat ../Patches/patch- | patch -p1

I suspect you might find that tedious, especially if only the last one
addressed a bug that affected you.

Being lazy, I would do
bzcat ../Patches/patch-2.6.11.*.bz | patch -p1
(or similar). But as I posted long ago when this discussion started it is desirable to have both.

being super lazy I'd type:
scripts/patch-kernel . ../Patches

nb it's currently broke as mentioned in another thread:
Re: [BUG] Re: [PATCH] scripts/patch-kernel: use EXTRAVERSION
being fixed though. It will (I assume!) embody whatever rules are needed to revoke patches to go from to 2.6.12 (and since I think the new version has d/l facilities, that should assist in the case of a base kernel d/l of for which no local patches exist to revert prior to patching to 2.6.12)


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