Re: Interrupt starvation points

From: Russell King
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 16:16:57 EST

On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 09:05:21AM -0800, Daniel Walker wrote:
> The other patch enabled interrupt before calling up on
> kernel_sem ..This one could use some thinking over. I did this cause
> up() is very expensive on ARM , and combined with the looping above
> interrupts can stay off for a long time ..

Please substantiate your claim that up() is very expensive on ARM.
I disagree:

#define __up_op(ptr,wake) \
({ \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"@ up_op\n" \
" mrs ip, cpsr\n" \
" orr lr, ip, #128\n" \
" msr cpsr_c, lr\n" \
" ldr lr, [%0]\n" \
" adds lr, lr, %1\n" \
" str lr, [%0]\n" \
" msr cpsr_c, ip\n" \
" movle ip, %0\n" \
" blle " #wake \
: \
: "r" (ptr), "I" (1) \
: "ip", "lr", "cc", "memory"); \

static inline void up(struct semaphore * sem)
__up_op(sem, __up_wakeup);

Looks like 9 instructions for the uncontended case to me. If you're
worried about 9 instructions being expensive, please work on GCC to
improve its optimisation capabilities first. There's room there for
improvement across the whole kernel than just the above 9 instructions.

Plus, after you've read the above code, wouldn't you think that adding
the "enable interrupts + disable interrupts" around an up() operation
(which itself immediately disables interrupts again) is just adding
extra instructions to the kernel, which corresponds directly to lower

Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 PCMCIA -
2.6 Serial core
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