[PATCH][REVISED] add list_del_head[_init] functions

From: Tobias DiPasquale
Date: Fri Nov 26 2004 - 19:49:36 EST

Hi all,

I revised my earlier list_del_head patch and took Jens' suggestions.
There were two function additions:

list_del_head() - removes the head of a list and returns it
list_del_head_init() - removes the head of a list, reinitializes it
and returns it

I have also converted several obvious pieces of code in kernel/, net/
and mm/ to use these new functions. The patch for all of this is
attached. Thanks :)

Name: Add list_del_head[_init] functions for full queue API
Status: Tested (smoke tests, mostly)
Signed-off-by: Toby DiPasquale <codeslinger@xxxxxxxxx>

P.S. Again, please CC me on any replies as I'm not subscribed to LKML.
Thanks again :)

[ Tobias DiPasquale ]

Attachment: listdelhead.patch
Description: Binary data