Re: HELP ipt_hook: happy cracking message

From: Rusty Russell
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 22:34:01 EST

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 01:12, Parag Nemade wrote:
> hi,
> i modified kernel so that it will create
> /proc/net/myproc file entry.
> the function of this entry is to crate a 16 byte char
> string from random no.s
> i used net_srandom and net_random and sys_time for
> that puspose. the problem is that i write program to
> generate string after 120 seconds but it is changing
> contents of myproc file every seconds. what can i do?
> Also i am getting ipt_hook: happy cracking. message
> again and again why?

You're sending out IP packets which don't even contain the IP header,
and you're running connection tracking or some filtering.

The message is not serious.

Anyone who quotes me in their signature is an idiot -- Rusty Russell

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