Re: kernel stack challenge

From: Patrick J. LoPresti
Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 16:00:24 EST

Timothy Miller <miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I think 100K is rather large for an interpretor to be included in the
> kernel, but putting that aside...

I think we are all putting that aside for the moment. :-)

> It's a limited number of people who would actually write these
> policies. If those people follow certain coding rules, then we CAN
> have such bounds, by convention. Yes, those bounds could be violated,
> but if the programmer (not sysadmin -- they would never write these
> things in LISP) breaks something, it's just a bug.

Fair enough. But then I wonder how many of Lisp's advantages you
would lose. I am having trouble imagining "statically bounded Lisp"
without being so stylized as to hardly be Lisp at all.

- Pat
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