Rimax Linux DVD/DivX player firwmare source code

From: J. Grant
Date: Thu Mar 18 2004 - 16:02:24 EST


I have been in discussions with Rimax regarding receiving a copy of the
source code to their version of the Linux software which they use in a
DVD/DivX stand-alone device to play videos.

Rimax distribute a version of the linux kernel and other software in a
CD-ROM image: (http://www.rimax.net/docs/DivX%20Upgrade%20Version%20B.zip)

See attachment:
rimax.dvd8500-DPLAYER_JIA_RIMAX-2.0.4-23DEC03.cd-rom.listing.txt for
filenames and file sizes.

After discovering the device they sell was using the Linux kernel I was
intrigued and interested to receive a copy of the source code so that I
could make my own custom DVD/DivX/Linux player/software.

Initially I contacted their technical support department on 2004-03-03,
after their initial emails I received no responce to indicate they
intended to provide me with a copy of their modified linux source code etc.

I contacted Sigma Designs, they confirmed that Rimax were the people
I should be in contact with to receive a copy of the source code.

I contacted Rimax Managing Director Paul Gregson (and the other
departments listed on their website) on 2004-03-07 to try and resolve
this matter as the technical support department had not responded.

I received a reply from Mr Gregson seeking confirmation on 2004-03-08,
so to tried to explain to the best of my GPL knowledge.

Mr Gregson responded indicating that I should be in contact with "Cosmic
Digital Technology in China" despite the fact that his company was the
originator of my firmware download.

It is my understanding that his company either needs to pass on to me an
offer of source code from "Cosmic Digital Technology in China" or for
Rimax to provide an offer of source code with the compiled binaries
they distribute. I explained that to Mr Gregson in an email.

On 2004-03-10 I had still not received any positive indication of
co-operation to resolve the matter so I emailed again. I explained that
I would like to receive a positive indication of co-operation to resolve
the problem by by "Monday 15th March 2004".

Mr Gregson promptly replied with the point "You have still not told me
who you are or which organisation/company you officially represent.". I
never received this question from him, but anyway I sent a reply
explaining my position.

On 2004-03-14 I sent my final email to Mr Gregson and the other
departments at Rimax explaining that I would report the problem if an
indication of co-operation was not received by the end of "Monday 15th
March 2004".

On 2004-03-15 I emailed the company I believe to be "Cosmic Digital
Technology in China", explaining that Mr Gregson of Rimax referred me to
them to receive a copy of the source code for the firmware I had
downloaded. I thought perhaps Mr Gregson might have arranged for them
to provide the source code on the behalf of Rimax. I emailed sales,
support and webmaster of "Cosmic Digital Technology in China". They
only list the sales email address on their site though.

So, that is where I am up to, I did not receive a reply indicating Rimax
were planning/aiming to co-operate to resolve this problem (So i could
finally get a copy of their modified linux source code!). "Cosmic
Digital Technology in China" have not responded to my email either.

The Rimax company details are:

Mr Paul Gregson (Managing Director)
Paul AT Rimax.net
Rimax International Limited
Registered Office Address - 1 Birkwood Close, London, SW12 0AU, United
Telephone +44 208 678 6312
Fax +44 208 678 6326
Managing Director - Paul Gregson
Company Registration Number - 04282692 - England & Wales
VAT Number - GB 782 6491 92
D-U-N-S 222 647 294
Bank - Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC plc) London
Accountants - Ivan Sopher & Co, London
Tech AT Rimax.net

I was as polite and diplomatic as I could be in my emails, now i just
would like to get my hands on the source code so I can have some fun
after all this effort :)

I have all the emails sent/received saved if someone would like a copy.

I hope someone can help resolve this problem, or at least direct me to
who I should forward on the details of this problem to.

Best regards


p.s. Please cc me in replies to the list.

The Chinese company I believe Rimax partner with are:

Cosmic Digital Technology
ShenZhen,China Office
Unit H,27th Floor
Int'I Trade Commercial Building
No.3005 Nan Hu Road.
Shenzhen,China 518014
Tel:(86-755)5195 328
Fax:(86-755)5195 928\
E-mail:sales AT cosmictec.com
Cosmic Digital Technology
Hong Kong Office
Unit 1904-5 Nanyang Plaza
57,hung to Road
Kwun Tong,Kwoloon
Hong Kong
Tel:(852)2389 7002
Fax:(852)2389 9469
E-mail:sales AT cosmictec.com

drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Mar 3 20:27 BIN/
-rwx------ 1 2048 Dec 23 12:08 BOOT.CATALOG*
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Mar 3 20:27 DEV/
-rwx------ 1 8162 Dec 23 12:08 FIPMODULE.O*
-rwx------ 1 452 Dec 23 12:08 FLASH.FUF*
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Mar 3 20:27 FONTS/
-rwx------ 1 344774 Dec 23 12:08 KHWL.O*
-rwx------ 1 632992 Sep 19 17:10 LINUX.IMA*
-rwx------ 1 19189 Dec 23 12:08 LOADER.BIN*
-rwx------ 1 152166 Dec 23 12:08 LOGO.PNG*
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Mar 3 20:27 PROC/
-rwx------ 1 3266560 Dec 23 12:08 ROMFS.BIN*

total 340
-rwx------ 1 53708 Dec 23 12:08 BUSYBOX*
-rwx------ 1 279060 Dec 23 12:08 INIT*