Re: freed_symbols [Re: People, not GPL [was: Re: Driver Model]]

From: Maciej Zenczykowski
Date: Sun Oct 05 2003 - 14:36:28 EST

> You are so young and fresh to the game, it is cute.

Can a module even be considered LGPL? After all a module interfaces with
the kernel via including files from the kernel source - doesn't this
automatically mean that it is a derived work of at least a few of the
kernel headers (the module specific ones for example). These headers
contribute code to the module as well: INC_MOD_USE_COUNT and the like...
And since the kernel is GPLed doesn't this mean that the entire module is

On the other hand any running program on linux dynamically links (via
syscalls) against the kernel... I think everyone agrees that dynamically
linking against the kernel in this manner should be allowed and not a
violation of the GPL of the kernel source...

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