Re: Interactivity improvements

From: William Lee Irwin III (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 15:48:17 EST

Patrick McLean <> [2003-08-07]:
>> Another point is compilers, they tend to do a lot of disk I/O then
>> become major CPU hogs, could we have some sort or heuristic that reduces
>> the bonuses for sleeping on block I/O rather than other kinds of I/O
>> (say pipes and network I/O in the case of X).

On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 04:24:18PM +0100, Richard Curnow wrote:
> What about compilers chewing on source files coming in over NFS rather
> than resident on local block devices? The network waits need to be
> broken out into NFS versus other, or UDP versus TCP or something. e.g.
> waits due to the user not having typed anything yet, or moved the mouse,
> are going to be on TCP connections.

I'd be interested in whatever you come up with for this, as I use NFSS
a lot.

-- wli
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