Re: [ANNOUNCE] procps 2.0.10

From: J.A. Magallon (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 10:31:30 EST

On 2002.10.08 Rik van Riel wrote:
>On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, J.A. Magallon wrote:
>> It also kills the 'states' part, things are beginning to spread past 80
>> it very important ?
>Yes, things should stay within 80 lines.
>> I am gettin also strange outputs sometimes, with a ton of digits in
>> decimal parts.
>Wait... I remember fixing that bug. On 2.4 kernels iowait
>should always be 0.0% and it always is 0.0% here.
>I have no idea why it's displaying a wrong value on your
>system, unless you somehow managed to run against a wrong
> (shouldn't happen).

Perhaps it is the percentage-mod plays. With this (calculate percentage in
0.1% units and then /10 and %10, I do not get that strange output). Perhaps
it was gcc-3.2 optimizing things, and it eats this better. It also guarantees
that decimal part never has more than 1 digit (%10 thing):

--- top.c.orig 2002-10-08 15:28:10.000000000 +0200
+++ top.c 2002-10-08 17:21:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -1691,6 +1691,8 @@
                                                                 i, __LINE__);
                                                 } else {
+ int u_delta, s_delta, n_delta, io_delta, i_delta, un_delta;
                                                         t_ticks = (u_ticks + s_ticks + i_ticks + n_ticks + io_ticks)
                                                             - (u_ticks_o[i] + s_ticks_o[i] + i_ticks_o[i] + n_ticks_o[i] + io_ticks_o[i]);
                                                         if (Irixmode)
@@ -1699,25 +1701,21 @@
                                                                 cpumap =
+ u_delta = (trimzero(u_ticks - u_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
+ s_delta = (trimzero(s_ticks - s_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
+ n_delta = (trimzero(n_ticks - n_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
+ io_delta = (trimzero(io_ticks - io_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
+ i_delta = (trimzero(i_ticks - i_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
+ un_delta = (trimzero(u_ticks - u_ticks_o[i]+n_ticks - n_ticks_o[i])*1000)/t_ticks;
- ("CPU%d states: %2d%s%-d%% user, %2d%s%-d%% system,"
- " %2d%s%-d%% nice, %2d%s%-d%% iowait, %2d%s%-d%% idle",
+ ("CPU%d: %3d%s%-d%% user %3d%s%-d%% system"
+ " %3d%s%-d%% nice %3d%s%-d%% iowait %3d%s%-d%% idle",
- trimzero(u_ticks - u_ticks_o [i] + n_ticks - n_ticks_o [i]) * 100 / t_ticks,
- decimal_point,
- trimzero(u_ticks - u_ticks_o [i]) * 100 % t_ticks / 100,
- trimzero(s_ticks - s_ticks_o [i]) * 100 / t_ticks,
- decimal_point,
- trimzero(s_ticks - s_ticks_o [i]) * 100 % t_ticks / 100,
- trimzero(n_ticks - n_ticks_o [i]) * 100 / t_ticks,
- decimal_point,
- trimzero(n_ticks - n_ticks_o [i]) * 100 % t_ticks / 100,
- trimzero(io_ticks - io_ticks_o [i]) * 100 / t_ticks,
- decimal_point,
- trimzero(io_ticks - io_ticks_o [i]) * 100 % t_ticks / 100,
- trimzero(i_ticks - i_ticks_o [i]) * 100 / t_ticks,
- decimal_point,
- trimzero(i_ticks - i_ticks_o [i]) * 100 % t_ticks / 100);
+ un_delta/ 10, decimal_point, un_delta% 10,
+ s_delta / 10, decimal_point, s_delta % 10,
+ n_delta / 10, decimal_point, n_delta % 10,
+ io_delta/ 10, decimal_point, io_delta% 10,
+ i_delta / 10, decimal_point, i_delta % 10);
                                                         s_ticks_o[i] = s_ticks;
                                                         u_ticks_o[i] = u_ticks;
                                                         n_ticks_o[i] = n_ticks;

And looks cleaner...;)

J.A. Magallon <>      \                 Software is like sex:                         \           It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 9.0 (dolphin) for i586
Linux 2.4.20-pre9-jam1 (gcc 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk))
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