Re: QUESTION: Network hangs with BP6 and 2.4.x kernels, hardware related?

From: Manfred Spraul (
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 12:16:36 EST

> said:
> > IRR for interrupt 19 is set, that means the IO APIC has sent the
> > interrupt to a cpu but not yet received the corresponding EOI.
> OK, but couldn't we reset it by sending an extra EOI when the drivers
> decide that they've missed interrupts?

You send an EOI by writing 0 to the EOI register of the local apic, and
then the local apic automagically checks it's ISR bitfield.
It takes the highest set bit and clears it. Then it checks that bit in
the TMR, and it if's also set in the TMR then it sends an EOI to the IO

The magic seems to be tamper proof: all bits are read only.

The bit on the IO apic is also read only.
Perhaps with brute force? Switch the interrupt to edge triggered on the
io apic, wait 1 usec, switch it back to level triggered. The IRR bit is
undefined for edge triggered interrupts, perhaps that clears the IRR

I would first concentrate on the differences between 2.2 and 2.4:

Frank, could you try what happens with the NMI oopser disabled?

The second major difference I'm immediately aware of is the number of
the reschedule/tlb flush/etc interrupt: 2.2 uses the lowest priority,
2.4 the highest priority.

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