Re: Multiple PCI busses (WAS:Re: performance downgrade on PowerPC)

From: James Simmons (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 20:52:25 EST

> What I was thinking about, in order to address this whole issue, is to
> provide a /dev/pcimmap like device, you open it, run an ioctl on it to
> select a "bus, device, function, base address register" quadruple,
> then at that point you can "mmap" that specific device area with some
> offset from the base register indicated using the mmap offset
> parameter.

   This is going to get mess after awhile. Right now you are thinking PCI
video cards. Soon it will be any device with memory on any bus type. I
just can't picture using /dev/video for a video capture board and then
having to use /dev/pcimmap to use the same device. Same for /dev/fb and
/dev/dsp etc. In todays market many cards are manufactured to run on
different bus types. So each hardware interface will then have to have a
bus ioctl to tell you what bus it works on. Then you can go and use
/dev/pcimmap or /dev/zorrommap etc. Yuck!!
  The problem is we want to mmap the memory of cards on a bus. Since the
idea of virtual memory is to make all memory look the same no matter if
its video card memory, regular ram, or disk cache I think we need to fix

Q: Why did they deprecate a.out support in linux?
A: Because a nasty coff is bad for your elf.

James Simmons [] ____/|
fbdev/console/gfx developer \ o.O| =(_)= U

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