Kernel Panic Problems with initrd

From: Michael Peddemors (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 19:06:23 EST

I am working on very higly hacked version of the ThinLinux Distro, and
haven't got any help from that channel, so turning to my old friend, the
kernel mailing list.

I have got everything working except when I try to get a new kernel compiled,
I get the read_super.
Going back to the ThinLinux kernel, no problem.
In case you don't know how the ThinLinux concept went, it uses the initrd
system, loads a tgz of a bare filesystem, and the kernel off of a FAT/MSDOS
floppy disk and then extracts the tgz into a RamDisk as a Minix filesystem.
I have compiled in support for the Ram Disk, initrd, the DOS/FAT filesystems,
and the minix filesystems. Kernel starts fine, but dies on the read_super.
Couldn't be a problem with the root filesystem, as it works with the original
kernel. Could there be other things that are done to kerenl that I am not
aware of, that would affect this? rdev reports everything the same except for
the video mode.

Running out of strays, when I decide to try filling up the kernel with
printk's to find out why it is stopping...

Any ideas anyone?

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