Re: Floppy handling

From: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 14:36:55 EST

RF> windoze does not 'mount' floppies. One may change disks between
RF> I/O operations without windoze even being aware of it.

Just to reinforce the point from an earlier message: There is no single
"Windows" when it comes to the way that floppy discs are handled.
DOS-Windows handles floppy discs differently to Windows NT.

The above is certainly incorrect when it comes to Windows NT. Windows
NT does "mount" floppy disc volumes, although it does so automatically
rather than manually; and if the disc is changed between I/O operations,
the change *is* noticed (as long as the floppy disc unit actually has a
changeline, of course -- and even if it doesn't have one a heuristic is
applied). The physical storage device driver for the disc notices the
media change status, and sets a "verify volume" flag that causes all
further I/O operations to return a "verify volume" error until the flag
is reset by a higher layer. For more details, see the explanation,
given from the perspective of the storage device driver, that can be
found at

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