Re: Floppy handling

From: Ron Flory (
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 13:22:16 EST

> .... Apparently, Windows can automount floppies in part because it
> makes the assumption that there is only one user on the machine--an
> assumption which Unices by design can't make.

 windoze does not 'mount' floppies. One may change disks between I/O
operations without windoze even being aware of it. Of course your
directory structure gets hopelessly clobbered in the process.

 Automounting in general is a very bad, sloppy, and dangerous practice,
especially if the filesystem caches disk contents. Windoze does not
cache removable media, thus its floppy throughput really sucks when
compared to Linux.

 Having said that, the Amiga had a very nice automount mechanism, but
even there it was possible to remove a floppy before it was completely

 In my humble opinion its just not worth the risk, simply for the sake
of 'dummy friendliness'.


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