2.2.15 performance issues (sort of VM fiasco)

From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd@Op.Net)
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 09:56:07 EST

Although I understand that the problems with VM are ongoing in
2.3.99-preXX, I have been very discouraged that 2.2.15 (in marked
contrast to 2.2.10, and possibly above) has been rendered unusable
with apps that do substantial amounts of streaming disk i/o.

I thought that the policy was to not make sweeping changes to the
"stable" kernel.

As reported here, on a dual PII-450, SMP kernel, U2W SCSI via an
adaptec 7890, 2.2.15 is essentially unusable. Effective disk
performance has dropped through the floor, and various kernel
activities prevent even SCHED_FIFO threads from meeting previously
easily-attained deadlines. Overall, I would say its as bad, perhaps
worse, than 2.3.99-pre6.

Can anyone comment on what might have been done to 2.2.15 to cause
this pathetic performance ? I don't know for sure that the change was
in 2.2.15, since I jumped from 2.2.10, and if it would help anyone to
fix this, I will happily test 2.2.{11,12,13,14}.


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