Re: [PATCH] Recent VM fiasco - fixed

From: James H. Cloos Jr. (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 02:29:09 EST

Ok. Tried w/ Manfred patch (ie the 2nd half). kswapd still uses a lot
of cpu doing recursuve cp(1)s, but it is less than in virgin pre7-8. I
got about 10s of cpu for cp and 40s for kswapd doing a cp -a of the 7-8
tree (after compiling) on the ide drive (w/ 4k ext2 blocks). On the 1k
ext2 block scsi partition, it was 1m50s for kswapd and 20s for cp to cp
three such trees. kswapd %cpu never exceeded 65% on the latter and 50%
on the former; substantially better than in virgin 7-8, but not as good
as earlier kernels (though I don't have any numbers to back that up). I
did this test in single user mode w/ only top running (on another vc).

Hope the datapoint helps!


James H. Cloos, Jr.  <URL:> 1024D/ED7DAEA6 
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