Re: rpc/tcp mesg size

From: P.Basker (
Date: Sat Apr 29 2000 - 17:54:39 EST

> For 2.2.14, if you want the RPC over tcp client code to work, just
> pick up the NFSv3 client patches from

But, Im already able to send a 3k chunk of data across from a RPC client
to a RPC server, both running as TCP service. Does the NFSv3 client patch
also patch up the Sunrpc module or does it patch up only the knfsd module?

> If however, you need the RPC server stuff to work over tcp, I'm afraid
> you'll have some hacking to do. To my knowledge nobody else has yet
> put in the necessary work.

It already works, unless Im very much mistaken. My problem is in getting a
larger chunk of data. Somewhere some limitation is imposed. I donot know
if it is due to my code or the kernel's sunrpc implementation. The error
message is reported by "svc", the server communication stub interface to
the kernel in the sunrpc module.

My problem is Im getting error messages of "sk_data negative" "bad
direction" "dropping request". Im under the assumption that there is *no*
limitation on the size of argument and results that can be marshalled
across from the rpc client to the rpc server over a TCP connection.
This is what the "Unix Network Programming" book by richard stevens
mentions. Also the book says that for UDP the max arg/result size shall be
8k. Please clarify if the kernel implementation is different from what the
book says abt unlimited arg/result size. Im already having a look at the
sunrpc implementation to see why Im getting this message.


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