Re: Booting to >8GB...

From: Riley Williams (
Date: Sat Apr 29 2000 - 04:40:24 EST

Hi Andreas.

>> I'm having great difficulty finding a solution to my
>> current problem - I need to boot linux, installed >8GB
>> into my harddisk.

> your bios needs to support this. if it does not, no
> chance.

All too true. When I set up systems with modern primary drives,
I generally use the following arrangement:

 1. /dev/hda1 is a Linux Swap partition of just under 128M
    (not more than 130,950 blocks) in size, starting at
    cylinder 1.

    There are at least two Windows viruses out there that
    overwrite the first megabyte of each hard drive. Having
    the swap partition there means that such viruses can't
    do any damage.

    Also, with modern drive sizes, even a maximum sized swap
    partition does not significantly reduce the capacity of
    the drive, so there is no point in arguing about how big
    a swap partition to use.

 2. /dev/hda2 is a Linux Native partition of around 15M in
    size, and immediately follows the swap partition. It is
    mounted as /boot under Linux.

    Even with modern BIOS's, it is often necessary to boot
    from within the first 1024 cylinders, and putting this
    here ensures that such is the case. It does not need to
    be any larger than 15M, and that can be as little as two
    cylinders with some drives.

 3. On systems designed to dual boot, /dev/hda3 is the
    primary Windows partition. It extends from the top of
    the boot partition to cylinder 1023, thus allowing
    Windows systems to boot safely.

    On systems that are Linux only, this entry is unused.

 4. /dev/hda4 is an extended partition that occupies the
    remainder of the hard drive.

 5. /dev/hda5 is mounted as /tmp and /dev/hda6 as / when I
    set the systems up. Other partitions beyond that are
    allocated as required for the individual system.

Naturally, I keep a paper copy of the partition table handy to
enable me to reconstruct it if either of the viruses mentioned

Best wishes from Riley.

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