Re: Suggested dual human/binary interface for proc/devfs

From: Ion Badulescu (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 16:43:43 EST

In article <cs.lists.linux-kernel/> you wrote:

> On a similar note, I notice that recent versions of RedHat (via GNOME?)
> seems to magically change owners on a whole bunch of devices. It seems
> to me that it would be a *much* cleaner solution would be to have a
> special group for the console owner, and when logging in the user add
> that group to his auxilliary group list via setgroups().

No, that would be a security problem -- and it's actually documented in the
pam_group module documentation. If I, as the console user, become even
temporarily a member of the console group, nothing prevents me from
creating a setgid binary which will give me the group membership later,
when I'm not on the console anymore.

The chown-ing on console login (or some similar method through devfs/devfsd)
is the cleanest way to do this.


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