[2.3.99-pre4 #3/4/5] [BUG] Soundcore sticking w/ SB16

From: Mark Orr (markorr@intersurf.com)
Date: Sat Apr 08 2000 - 07:08:48 EST

Just compile 2.3.99-pre5, and while it seems to have cleared up
the SHM crashing, there's still is a problem with the modular
sound card drivers that's been there since 99-pre4 #3. (pre4 #2
was fine).

I have a SB16 ISA non-PnP w/Waveblaster -- I compile the kernel
100% SB drivers, OSS modules, and OPL3 driver -- all as modules.
All devices (PCM output, MIDI daughterboard, and OPL3 synth) all
work w/ these kernels.

However, I also run a program called modremove, a daemon that
does a double rmmod -a every X seconds. After a minute or two,
I get this in the log:

Apr 8 06:46:59 mdm-143-137 kernel: Sound device 6 went missing!


lsmod reveals that all the SB driver modules have been unloaded
(sb, sb_lib, uart401, opl3, sound) but soundcore is left w/ 1
thing using it:

root@darkstar:~# lsmod
Module Size Used by
soundcore 3812 1 (autoclean)

...and naturally:

root@darkstar:~# rmmod soundcore
soundcore: Device or resource busy


At this point, it'll no longer auto-load the sb drivers, but I can
load them by hand w/ modprobe sb. And they work.

I rebooted, killed off modremove, played a sound, then removed the
drives manually w/ 2 command-line rmmod -a's spaced a few seconds
apart. Still did it.

I rebooted again. killed off modremove. played a sound. Then I
removed each module one by one, by name. Modules sb, sb_lib, opl3,
and uart401 all unloaded w/o incident. The "...went missing"
message popped up when I unloaded sound.o.


...not complaining, just reporting :)

Mark Orr markorr@intersurf.com

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