Transmit timeout status 0c 0005 media 08 and other probs with SMC 1211 (RTL 8139 driver)

From: Simon Huggins (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 18:12:09 EST

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I have a friend who is trying to make a linux gateway onto a network
with one of these cards. He is masquerading a dual booting machine
through a linux box with two cards:
- a PCI NE2000 clone
- Accton 1207D TX (picked up as SMC 1211 and using the Realtek 8139

Whenever he scps stuff between the two machines (over the Accton card)
and seemingly whenever there is much network activity, he gets messages

Transmit timeout status 0c 0005 media 08
Tx queue start entry 42320 dirty entry 42316
hda lost interrupt
and sometimes:
RTL8139 interrupt line blocked status 5.

This is with 2.2.14 which has the 1.07 driver. Trying 1.08 from Donald
Becker's webpage didn't help and got a similar error.

Is this a known problem? Searching archives I found similar problems
but no real solutions.

Once this happens his computer is effectively dead. Seeming nothing can
get to the disk. The messages repeat ad infinitum.

I check /proc/interrupts and there didn't seem to be any obvious
  0: 220054 XT-PIC timer
  1: 7403 XT-PIC keyboard
  2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
  3: 30135 XT-PIC serial
  8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
 10: 86640 XT-PIC eth0
 11: 71 XT-PIC eth1
 13: 1 XT-PIC fpu
 14: 246234 XT-PIC ide0
NMI: 0

NB eth1 is the RTL 8139 and eth0 is the ne2k-pci

After the problem, cat /proc/interrupts shows that the interrupts for
ide0 are not increasing.

Any ideas?


oOoOo     "Exciting is hardly the word I would choose" - C3PO      oOoOo
 oOoOo                                                            oOoOo
  oOoOo                                                          oOoOo

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