Ld-linux.so.2 using resources

From: Art Wagner (awagner@uswest.net)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 16:55:12 EST

Can anyone tell me why I have seen ld-linux.so.2 using the kind of
resources indicated below ?
Process 682 Size=35736 RSS=20M SHARE=7106 STAT=R LIB=13M CPU=98-99%
At times a second process shows up concurrently using twice as much SIZE
RSS=51M LIB=44M CPU=89%

"X" is running with Netscape 4.61
System is a Abit BP6 128Meg Memory 2 500MHz Celerons (not overclocked)
Kernel is 2.2.15-5 SMP with Andre Hedrick's IDE Patch
System is based on RH 6.1 BIOS for abit is Award 4.51 PG with Abit code
I will be glad to provide any further information which may help.
Art Wagner

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