Re: Quantum Mechanics

Kevin M Bealer (
Sun, 26 May 1996 00:26:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 24 May 1996, Mike Wangsmo wrote:
> the massive gravity) has no noticable reduction in velocity due to
> gravity. In essence according to Einsein's theories, the object could
> travel at say 99.9% of speed of light (as measured on Earth) and reach the
> far side of the base of the cone before the light beam that left the same
> place and at the same time.

Doesn't someone (maybe Einstien, not sure) look at space as have curvature,
ie two points being measured by a 'light measure' ie light seconds/years and
viewing falling into a black hole as a passive action (you are standing
still in flowing/curved space)?

> Therefore, traveling faster than light is possible and blah, blah, blah,
> which implies that there is no physical limit to the upper speed of
> light, only relative to the amount of gravity present in the measureing
> possible becasue of these abilities to "exceed" the speed of light. But
> all that is another story.

(I understood that...) Einsteinian time travel is a negative one plugged
into a square route, in an environment that permits imaginary numbers.
-- not impossible as such, but it cometh from a loophole in an existing
filesystem (oops I mean, theory :).

Also, you can't travel back in time without fiddling with accelerating
planets etc to +light speed, if you move a rock at c+1 m/h the rock gets
younger, it doesn't appear in 1955.

You can however go forward, and some experiments have been done. Some
people, using their mind, can move forward at one second per second. This
may have military uses, for example prolonged time travel of this type can
turn day into night in as little as 8 hours.

To A Quick Young Fox:
Why jog exquisite bulk, fond crazy vamp,
Daft buxom jonquil, zephyr's gawky vice?
Guy fed by work, quiz Jove's xanthic lamp --
Zow! Qualms by deja vu gyp fox-kin thrice.
-- Lazy Dog