Re: Linux logo

Andrew C. Esh (
Sat, 4 May 96 09:02 CDT

Mark Lehrer writes:
> > > > Check out lin64.jpg in Sunsite's incoming directory. It is
> > > > very well done.
> > >
> > > Does anyone with a fireproof vest and a good drawing hand want to
> > > try a picture of the BSD daemon flat out on the floor with stars
> > > around its head and a penguin in boxing gloves standing on top ?
> hmm. i don't think FreeBSD is the "adversary" here, but Windows 95
> certainly is. how about a penguin smashing in a window or something?

Uh, before everyone goes too far with the penguin idea, I should point
out that a penguin is the "advertising mascot" of NuMega Technologies,
Inc, which makes protected mode debuggers (Soft-ICE), and code
scanners (Bounds-Checker) for Windows, and Windows95. Even if they
have no legal control of the image of a penguin, we may wish to
distance ourselves, market identification-wise, from any Windows
product. They might mistake Linux for a NuMega product.

Andrew C. Esh
Computer Network Technology (finger for PGP key)
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